Chris LaFay

A native genius or talent is something that people do, not only exceptionally well, but absolutely naturally. They do it easily (without extra effort) and freely (without condition).


It’s a difficult process to consider your long-term vision (or your personal mission outside of your own company). I have found this especially true for founders who have scaled their businesses but can’t figure out how to remove themselves from the “final cog” they have left. Whether that’s doing a specific, executable task or running all of sales.

At some point, that founder-led business will have to look at themselves and say: “Sure, I know this business inside-and-out, but what is the ONE thing that I do naturally?”

At that point, the founder is forced to remove their identity from their business and do some soul searching on who they are as an individual.

What is that one thing:

  1. you do better than anyone else?
  2. that makes people say: “dang, I haven’t thought about it like that.”?
  3. that when you’re done, you feel energized?

Once you figure that out for yourself, how do you then turn to your team and guide them on figuring out what that is for themselves?

This is one way in which you start the ripple effect.